Our Story

In May 2017 our family of 8 moved to a 3 acre site with a little farmhouse and made one of the biggest adjustments of our lives. It began in the city several years before with chickens, progressed to a greenhouse in the backyard which spilled over to a container garden in the driveway. By then it was obvious that we needed to move.

For almost 2 years we searched and ended up here just outside of the city and changed the way we lived. A life with no pets became a daily chore list which included over 50 animals. Weekends of teaching music lessons gradually were transformed to Saturdays filled with gardening, hoof trimming and hauling hay, all the while taking care of the things that make a family work. In 5 years we have learned many things. Ducks are cute but extremely messy, fences are only secure if you close the gates and yellow flies are tiny flesh eating demons.

Over the years trying our hands at cows, rabbits, quail, guineas, ducks & geese our animal menagerie has been whittled down to a manageable collection consisting of goats, sheep, chickens, pigs, 1 dog, 1 cat and 1 turkey named Sonny. We currently offer “goat grams” to supplement the costs of life “out here” and provide beginners (like us) with animals that are well suited for their starter homesteads. In the near future we hope to provide on site training for people who wish to try living this lifestyle and to help nurture a network of homesteaders in the area who are committed to advancing the ideals of a more nature focused modern life.